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Video SubTitling

[:en]Video sub-titling is the service of providing translated captions to a video. Captions are the sentences (spoken dialogues and words) you usually find below a video’s screen. When these captions are changed from one language to another, we get what is called the subtitles. 

At first place, why are we even discussing about sub-titling a video? One direct answer is that it helps us watch movies from a different language to that of our native. It supports understanding the words spoken when you add subtitles to the video. However, the benefits of adding translated captions for a video is not limited to watching movies or understanding contents. We have three other huge perks from video subtitles. 

The 3 Prime Reasons Why Your Video Needs Subtitles 

By investing a bit of your cash for sub-titling professionals is an investment. You will be receiving the advantages for a long-term duration. So, here are the 3 reasons why you need to mandate video sub-titling your footage contents.

Your Videos Rank on International Search Result Pages 

Consider this situation; you have recorded excellent video contents. You have the natural flow of keywords, and the pictographs used are of decent quality. You may have even optimized for mobile viewing. Still, they did not get much views or likes. Why? You may have missed adding subtitles. Subtitles are an essential part of SEO video optimization. They help you to gain more viewers across the globe when you add sub-titles to it.

To be more precise, if you have a German awareness video, you are sure to get viewers from regions of Germany, Russia, Poland, and even from the UK. It is because they will get your video content popped on SERPs. However, reaching geographies such as Panama, India, Australia, Japan, can be hard since your video’s language is not similar to theirs. Hence, whether you rank in those countries is also quite a question. But by adding subtitles, you are going to get more views, SEO ranking, and also attract viewers globally. 

Your Videos Reach 466 Million More Individuals

Did you know that 5% of the world’s population, which is 466 million individuals, have some form of hearing disability? Adding, the World Health Organization also estimates that by 2050, 900 million people will suffer hearing loss.

See, the total count of people with hearing disability is high. Your videos will be outstanding in quality aspects, but without subtitles, your content is missing 466 million more people. Thus, with the support of video subtitles, your content is watchable for any individual, irrespective of their physical health concerns!

Your Subtitles are Better than Voice-Over

Both subtitles and voice-over have the intent to make the audience understand contents, given from another language. Yet, voice-over services have a few cons. Let’s compare it with subtitling on the side. 

  • Hiring experts for voice-over is expensive. As the experience of the professional increases, your charges to pay that voice expert also goes up. But, hiring subtitling experts is cost-effective, irrespective of experience level. 
  • Adding a voice-over clip to your videos is not going to be heard by hearing-disabled people. You cannot miss that 466 million target audience. But, subtitles can be read and understood by them since deafness is not a disability here!
  • Health concerns of the professional (like cold, influenza, throat itching, etc.) make voice-over impossible to achieve. But subtitles are not constrained with any bodily conditions of the concerned expert. 

Of course, voice-over has its advantages, but in comparison to subtitles, the latter is better. 

Translating and subtitling videos from one language and target audience to another is a tricky procedure! Many professionals consider video sub-titling as an art. You need to know the intricacies, have an eye on the time-related parameters, maintain accuracy in translation and then to subtitle it. Moreover, you should learn the process of how quality-control works. Besides all, the main concern here is to retain the meaning and the context in the translated version. 

Well, these pain-points can be tackled effectively with the help of International translation services online. 

International Linguists are Superior to Local Experts

International translation services are online companies that focus on precision, meaning retention, and avoid culturally-sensitive results. The in-house professionals here differ from the local language service providers in terms of standards such as;

  • Rush and Super Rush delivery
  • Highest Precision Possible
  • Top-Notch Quality
  • Sub-titling, Translation and Captioning – all under one roof
  • 100+ Language Compliance 
  • Guide you to rank for Multilingual SEO
  • Dedicated Account Managers 
  • Authorized NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement)
  • SSL encryption
  • 24/7 Friendly and Professional Customer Support 
  • And other quality-controlled processes to give a safe payment experience to the customer. 

Thus, Your three takeaways

  • Subtitles are beneficial for SEO and ranking.
  • Video Sub-titling is better than voice-over. 
  • Hire International translation services for language requirements. 


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