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machine translation

If you are looking for a translation job, humans should do some, but machines or a mix of machines and humans (MT) should do many more. As AI gets better, modern MT has its own set of advantages. To give you some context, here are five reasons you should use machine translation.

Cheaper Than Human Translation

When the technology is used with human post-editing, it still saves 15% to 30% on the project’s total cost. The key is to teach the MT engine almost to match your voice, tone, and style. For example, putting raw MT output in a secure and trained environment costs less than a cent per word, including training and support.

As a result, a well-trained system that can translate commercial business data for S&P, sent to a translator for proofreading, takes a long time to train and perfect. However, it still reduces the total cost of translating by more than 30 percent.

Source: English To Hindi Transliteration: Ease Your Efforts of Doing Business

Great for Sifting Through Large Amounts Of Data

There are times when machine translation can be beneficial, like when you have lots of text that needs to be translated quickly, like in real-time chats or significant legal cases. In a cross-border litigation case, millions of words must be produced soon. This is a job that humans would not be able to do. If you have a lot of documents in a different language, machine translation can help you quickly look through them. You can then find important words and remember them for later.


They can be very fast, which is one of their main benefits. Machine translation can be fast enough for real-time communication in the workplace when it’s set up correctly. An MT array can translate hundreds of thousands of words per second with the proper server setup. This is often done in the cloud, where the servers are. When used with one round of human post-editing, MT speeds up turnaround times by about 35% or more, depending on the size of the project.

Source: 5 Ways Translation API Allows Your Organization To Grow Better

People who use machine translation tools can help cut down on how much it costs to translate.

Creates An Ability To Balance Cost, Quality, And Time

People can change the cost, quality, and time of their language solutions to have never been possible before with language solutions. When MT is used in a holistic enterprise solution, it opens up the ability to change the things in ways that have never been possible before with language solutions. Moreover, when it comes to language technology, machine translation can be lucrative. The custom solutions for a wide range of content takes care of all the translation intricacies right from translation to post editing.

Machine translation experts have the capability and specialization in translation tools. They use the right combination of technology and expertise to achieve precision in the job. The AI-powered machine translation not only speeds up language solutions process, but also enhances the quality of the translation.

Provides A Starting Point Translation For Human Production

As mentioned above, MT is used by more than half of all translation platforms at this point. If an MT engine is well-trained, it can be a better place to start for a professional in a particular field of work. A single pass through the machine translation output is called post-editing, which is called that because it is done in one go. It is a lot faster and cheaper translation methods as compared to traditional translation processes.

Machine Translation Engine can optimally translate the content without compromising its quality or output. It is one of the best and most affordable methods to professionally translate a content. However, only machine translation may not suffice the exact requirement of the client. And hence, there should be a mix of human skills and machine translation to achieve superior exactness.

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