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English To Tamil Transliteration
What You Need To Know About English To Tamil Transliteration

[:en]English to Tamil Transliteration does not mean to translate English words meaning to the Tamil language. Here your focus is not the meaning of the words used, but it is changing the letters, characters, symbols, or alphabet from English to

What is transliteration
What is transliteration? Why transliteration is needed to learn new languages?

[:en]Languages are fundamental when it comes to communication. But have you ever found yourself in a group of people speaking a language you don’t understand? It feels odd and left out. Learning how to speak a new language transliteration is

Understanding Transliteration And How It Works For A Brand

[:en]Transliteration is the process of translating a language from one to the other writing style. The same is true for transcription. It is also the conversion or rewriting of the characters from one style of writing to another style of

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