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Translation Marketplace, Become an online translator
Study About Translation Marketplace – Pros of Becoming Online Translator

[:en]Quiet sometime back the translation marketplace was not that inviting for many professionals to take it as the full time job but after the digitalization of data this thing instantly took a boom. To become an online translator or not

Devnagri – An Online Translation Platform/Software Catering Indian Languages

[:en]Devnagri is an online translation service platform that helps in Indian language translation via software exclusively developed according to the needs for clients & translators. India is a nation where every business idea gets a huge clientele base to woo

Devnagri Selected @ NASSCOM 2018

NASSCOM is celebrating its 15th Anniversary of supporting the new innovative ideas in the field of development with technology. This year, Devnagri is pleased to announce that it will be the part of this event at Bangalore, India on 25th

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