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Video SubTitling
The Art of Video Sub-Titling is Challenging, Yet Beneficial

[:en]Video sub-titling is the service of providing translated captions to a video. Captions are the sentences (spoken dialogues and words) you usually find below a video’s screen. When these captions are changed from one language to another, we get what

International translation
Hire a professional International translation agency to facilitate the business expansion

[:en]Any business involving itself in international transactions and possessing an audience of the countries speaking their native language has one or the other times the requirement of effective International translation services. Even if they manage to do these translations internally, they

Machine vs Human Translation
Human translation vs Machine translation- Which is better?

[:en]The idea of machines taking over humans has become quite prevalent these days. The word that is used to describe it is automation. It does not necessarily mean complete substitution though. It basically implies that humans and machines can work

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