Content localization of this page has been done using Devnagri's MT

Video & Audio to Text in minutes!

How is it Processed?

With rich experience, advanced knowledge, and hands-on industry practice, we accept almost every type of audio and video. Our services are available in various languages and we export our work in different files including PDF, Word, Premiere, STL, etc. Our experts focus on complete online experience while offering suitable services.

Upload audio/video files

Upload the set files from your computer or share the URL from the internet. We interpret the text accordingly for every kind of audio and video format. It is 100% safe and no size limitations are set for the file.

Experts’ supervision

Our skilled team transcribes your files 24/7 with 99%+ perfection as we leave no room for compromises and errors. Expect 100% desired results as the tasks are supervised by experts all the time.

Acquire transcript on time

We ensure that we deliver the transcript on time in an editable format. Make sure to view and edit your document with our expert editor.

One-to-One Assistance Feature

With this unique feature, you can easily synchronize your audio, video or text with a light and user-friendly interface. Say goodbye to complicated transcription.
Our experts know when the speaker is different. Make sure to write the name of the new speaker.
Add suitable timestamps
We ensure that our experts sync each word to the audio.
Export your transcript
With us, you can easily export your transcript in any format like Word, TXT, HTML, Premiere Markers, etc.
Proofreading assistance by experts
We check and overview the documents and correct the areas where the algorithm struggled without any complications.
Share with the audience
At Devnagri, you can share a view-only page of your transcript with the public.
Add comments or highlight
When collaborating with colleagues you can add comments or highlight the important parts.

Merge your workflow

We help you transcribe or add subtitles wherever your files are present to streamline the whole process. It will eliminate the need to download your files every time you require a transcript. We combine with various platforms like Youtube, Wistia, Zoom, and many more.
Per audio minute
12 hour
Turnaround time


Acquire desired results
We strive for 100% customer satisfaction. So, if you’re not satisfied with our work, let us know and we will work hard on resolving the matter accordingly.
Safe & secure
We protect your private files from unwanted access. Experts under our domain have signed NDAs and strict confidentiality agreements.

Allow us to save you time and money as you can place orders directly via Google drive, Dropbox, or Amazon S3.

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